OCCK has provided regional transportation services throughout North Central Kansas since 1970.
OCCK is committed to providing transportation services to the general public, seniors, and persons with disabilities, through a variety of programs, including a fixed route service in Salina, CityGo, a regional paratransit service that serves fourteen counties, non emergency medical transportation for people with Medicaid, as well as non emergency medical transportation for clients of Salina Regional Health Center, and a regional fixed route service, 81 Connection.
Over time, OCCK has expanded its transportation services so that more people in North Central Kansas can get to work, doctor’s appointments, medical facilities, entertainment, shopping, and more.
Our mission is to provide safe, affordable, quality, efficient transportation for people of all ages and abilities and to support economic opportunity and livability in Salina and the surrounding communities.
Our Core Values are:

We envision a future in our community in which:
- Citizens can live independently and continue to live their communities
- Citizens can live conveniently without owning a car
- More citizens choose public transportation because it is an easy, economical and efficient way of getting where they want to go
- Employers choose our community, and/or region, because it provides multiple solutions for getting employees to work
- Public transit serves as an economic engine and supports sustainability
- Public transportation is an integral part of the life of every citizen in the region and creates opportunities
- Public transportation is a consideration in community planning, development and re-development
- OCCK Transportation is a desired place to work across all generations
- OCCK Transportation is seen as a community partner
Information about CityGo and all of OCCK’s transportation services is provided here; or call 826-1583 or 1-855-KSRIDES (1-855-577-4337).
Transportation services are vital to helping people live as independently as possible. Many older people and adults need transportation. Transit services are especially important in shaping the economy and helping the environment.