OCCK to Provide Free Rides for Election Day During Kansas Mobility Week 2024

Salina, KS – OCCK Transportation is providing free rides to the general public on all services, including CityGo, regional paratransit, GoAbilene, GoConcordia, 81 Connection and KanConnect, on Election Day, Tuesday, November 5, 2024, during the 4th Annual Kansas Mobility Week happening November 3 – 9, 2024

From November 3 to November 9, 2024, public transportation providers, Mobility Managers, the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) and partners across the state are celebrating the fourth annual Kansas Mobility Week. Agencies will host events to encourage Kansans to make efficient and safe transportation choices, promote multimodal transportation options, and roll out new initiatives and policies.

OCCK normally offers free rides on Election Day each year to help increase voter turnout. 

“We are excited to provide free rides again for Election Day and as a way to celebrate Mobility Week,” said Trell Grinter, Transportation Director for OCCK.  “It’s a great opportunity for people to experience public transit and increase their mobility choices.”

OCCK, Inc. provides services in north central Kansas to anyone with any type of long or short-term disability, starting as early as birth and following people through their whole lives.  OCCK provides an array of supports for success at home and in the community, including independent living skills and supports, employment and career training, Alzheimer’s supports, autism services, assistive technology, children’s services, transportation, specialized therapies, and home health care.

OCCK is committed to providing transportation services to the general public, seniors, and persons with disabilities, through a variety of programs, including a fixed route service in Salina, CityGo, a regional paratransit service that serves fourteen counties, non emergency medical transportation for people with Medicaid, as well as non emergency medical transportation for clients of Salina Regional Health Center, a regional fixed route service, 81 Connection, KANcycle – the regional bike sharing program, GoAbilene public transportation, GoConcordia public transportation, and the newest program, KanConnect.

For more information about OCCK, Inc., visit www.occk.com.  For more information about CityGo and OCCK Transportation, visit www.salinacitygo.com. Or, contact the OCCK Transportation Center at 785-826-1583.

More information on how to participate in this year’s Mobility Week is available at https://ksrides.org/mobility-week/

More information about the state’s Mobility Managers can be found at https://ksrides.org/our-team/